Hello there, world!
So sorry about not updating this sooner...there's just been so much going on!
First of all, please, a warm welcome to the latest addition to the cast: Adrian Burks!
He will be playing the role of Fray.
Second, in July the cast got together and had a mini-rehearsal of the short film. They also experimented with some cool work-shop exercises, to get to know their characters on a deeper level and it was great for everyone to see where everyone was coming from, individually. There's so much that goes into a film/project, especially when it's an ensemble piece and with these characters...each of them are so different, sometime it's good to be them (the characters) for a day and go through the motions!
Anyway -
The next rehearsal is October first. The whole cast, the director, photographers, everyone! It'll be quite an event.
One last thing: It's been decided! "Little High, Little Low" if officially going to be continued as a series. So, stay tuned! Tiffany McFadden, Doree Seay and Sean Kennedy are teaming together to co-write the series! Production will be holding auditions for the new roles very soon! So, if interested, please email us here:
That is all! Check out these pictures below from our last rehearsal. These are only a few! Enjoy :-)