Thursday, August 25, 2011

Characters, Development and Auditions!

Roles are being made and this only means one thing...


Do not hesitate to email us if you are interested in auditioning for a role in the up-coming series. We'll send you the breakdowns and you can choose the character.

We ask that you send your head shot, resume and a video of you performing the sides (monologue or lines) given to you for the audition. 

Hope to hear from you all soon!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Writer's Unite!

For all creative purposes, there have been two writers brought into the writing team for 
"Little High, Little Low". Tiffany McFadden is the original writer of both the feature film and the short film(s). She will continue writing both the script and story process. Doree Seay, also a cast member, will be joining the Writing team, teaming-up to help with the story process. Sean Kennedy, a great comedian (whether he knows it or not) and a great writer, as well, is joining the writing team, contributing to both script and story. 

The writing team: Tiffany McFadden, Doree Seay and Sean Kennedy!

Stay tuned for an announcement coming soon...about our lovely director ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Long time, no chat!

Hello there, world!

So sorry about not updating this sooner...there's just been so much going on!

First of all, please, a warm welcome to the latest addition to the cast: Adrian Burks!
He will be playing the role of Fray.

Second, in July the cast got together and had a mini-rehearsal of the short film. They also experimented with some cool work-shop exercises, to get to know their characters on a deeper level and it was great for everyone to see where everyone was coming from, individually. There's so much that goes into a film/project, especially when it's an ensemble piece and with these characters...each of them are so different, sometime it's good to be them (the characters) for a day and go through the motions!

Anyway -

The next rehearsal is October first. The whole cast, the director, photographers, everyone! It'll be quite an event. 

One last thing: It's been decided! "Little High, Little Low" if officially going to be continued as a series. So, stay tuned! Tiffany McFadden, Doree Seay and Sean Kennedy are teaming together to co-write the series! Production will be holding auditions for the new roles very soon! So, if interested, please email us here:

That is all! Check out these pictures below from our last rehearsal. These are only a few! Enjoy :-)